The scent and sight enough are great / Yet lilies live for more / The lilies whisper poetry / As none have heard before…

Tea With a Ghost in Japan
Filed Under: Featured Writings, Horror, Short Stories
A horror story that takes place in the Japan countryside, which includes a visit from an unexpected ghostly guest: a yuurei (幽霊). These Japanese ghosts are known for having unfinished business when haunting in the earthly plane.
Scary Stories & Horror

The Whaley House Mirror – A Frightful Tale Based on True Events
It was late afternoon in early July and Laira was entertaining her best … read

We are the things of darkeness The eaters of your tears That hover by your … read

Immortal Sky
Filed Under: Poetry
A memorial poem in remembrance of what is never truly lost. The … read

Unmarked Path
Filed Under: Poetry
I’ve lost the path and lost my way I’ve roamed too far so now … read
Short Stories – General Fiction

The Universe Whispered
Filed Under: General Fiction, Poetry, Short Stories
It was a warm night, much too warm for blankets or covers. In the darkness … read
Origin of the Name “Deborah”
Copyright Notice to Education Institutes & Publishers
Deborah welcomes usage of her writing to any not-for-profit and non-commercial usage by educational institutes, while maintaining her copyrights. Please notify the author using the contact form and drop-down "Education" before usage.
Any non-educational usage or reprint requires prior author consent. Please use the contact form to request consent.